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Cory Watilo

Software designer in Orange County, CA

Macy's Customer Service - Get of the script, dangit!!

Just had a conversation with an Macy's customer service rep in India. It went like this:

Macy's rep: [insert heavy Indian accent] Thank you for calling, how can I help you?
Me: Yes, I'm trying to find out my account number.
Macy's rep: I'd be happy to help you with that. Can I please get your Macy's account number first?

.................ummm, hello?????

Doing what they're not supposed to do

In this photo, you can see a traffic enforcement agent parked and talking on their cell phone in a loading zone at the San Francisco Airport. Isn't that exactly what they're supposed to be on patrol for?? They've been sitting there for a good 5 minutes now...

Cory Watilo
Sent from my iPhone 3G S

I'm getting popular on the internets!

Oh, how I have longed to see the day when Google would offer my name as an auto-complete option. That day has finally come.

Update: It turns out this is much less thrilling than I hoped. Both of my parents are also show up in the auto-complete list, and they barely know how to use the internet. I shall now go crawl into a hole.