Of course, it may have something to do with the fact that the remote mysteriously stopped working...
Software designer in Orange County, CA
Of course, it may have something to do with the fact that the remote mysteriously stopped working...
"Al Gore has not been seen since the snow and the arctic blasts have pummeled the Eastern Seaboard in America, turning it into a frozen tundra."
I beg you to take a few minutes to listen to this bit from the Glenn Beck Radio Show from yesterday. (Just let it play in the background while you're working on something else if you need to.) This will open your eyes about just how absurd this healthcare bill actually is. We can't just sit back and let these people in the Senate destroy our country.
Obama is being credited with saving or creating over a million jobs, but not being blamed for the 17% of Americans who are unemployed. That's like saying Major Hasan shouldn't be criticized for killing 16 people at Ft. Hood; he should be commended for the 300 million Americans he didn't kill.