I am a light phone talker. If you look at my call history, you'll see maybe one or two calls a day, if that. My bread and butter is email and texting, so I thought I might try out the Peek Pronto, a device that claims to do those two things and those two things only. And with no monthly service fee (with a higher purchase price), it sounded like a killer deal to me. I even ended up using credit card reward points to purchase the device, so I was out of pocket nothing. So how did I like the Peek Pronto? Did it change my non-verbal telecommunications world? Keep reading...
Setup Process
For a device that is supposed to highlight simplicity, even the setup process failed. Sure, it would have been nice and simple if it worked, but my setup wasn't. I think the device is supposed to instantly work as soon as you power it on, but I was told to go to the website to register it. But when I tried to register it, it told me to call customer service. Once I got on the phone with the customer service rep, she said the 1-year prepaid plan I ordered with the device didn't attach itself for some reason, and that she would have to send an email to the billing department. I asked if I could just be transferred, and she told me she was in Arizona and the billing department was in New York and "didn't have phones" because they're an email company, "like the Peek." I'm sorry, what?? Even when I asked if I could be transferred, there was instantly an attitude in her voice. From her voice, it sounded like she was from Atlanta.
Anyway, she told me she'd call by Friday, two days later, a length of time that seemed unreasonable for activating a simple email device.
Having struck out here, I decided to try tweeting @peekinc. An hour later, my device was working and a couple hours later, I received a follow-up call by someone else making sure my device was working. I think she was from the billing department. I though they didn't have phones.
A couple hours after that, I got an @reply on Twitter from @peekinc, confirming that I was up and running. To their credit, they probably looked up my Peek account from my name that displays on Twitter, which I was mildly impressed with, given that most customer service reps would probably ask for a name rather than fact checking for themselves.
Like I said at the beginning, I really had high hopes for the Peek Pronto. I wanted to love it so much that I could use it for all my email and sms, and maybe even switch my current phone plan to a prepaid plan. But unfortunately, it's implementation is less than perfect. I don't even think this is a good device for small businesses that want an affordable way to load up their employees with email-only devices. I will definitely be returning the thing. I will keep my eyes open for a new Peek device - maybe something more expensive with an implementation that can really blow it's featureset out of the park. I would definitely pay a lot of money for something that could do what this device does well (with little or no monthly fee), but at this point, the Peek Pronto is not a good contender in the marketplace. I kind of expected more from Peek, since this isn't their first offering. I watched some videos of the CEO presenting the device and talking about it on national news, and he seems like a smart guy. I just really hope that he guides the company in a direction that will product FUNCTIONAL devices, rather than low cost crap devices like the Peek Pronto and the TwitterPeek, which, I don't think I have to tell you, is a device that will go nowhere. Despite all of this, I'm rooting for you, Peek!