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Cory Watilo

Software designer in Orange County, CA

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Why Facebook shouldn't replace the Wall with Timeline

The other day on Facebook, I was visiting a friend's new Timeline and came across an interesting comment:

"Timeline makes Facebook SO confusing. It takes me back to Myspace days."

I mulled over that comment for a few days and now I have some thoughts.

Timeline is a great retrospective, but not a great way to live in the now.
Timeline is visually attractive, but far less usable. It doesn't work for people who live out their daily lives on Facebook. Its focus is on summarizing the past, not living out the present. People use Facebook to interact with friends about what's happening right now, not to browse through what they did between 2006-2011. Timeline is too much like a yearbook to be useful for people who live out their active lives on the social networking site.

The Facebook Wall and Newsfeed differ from Timeline in one very important way: they were one column.
Timeline is far less scannable and takes a lot more work to parse information because of the two-column format. Facebook is trying to solve an issue that's existed as long as social profiles have been around: how to fit more information (specifically status updates) on a screen. Unfortunately, it's just not natural to move the eyes down the screen in sometimes diagonal, sometimes horizontal patterns. What's worse is that it takes mental processing to figure out what post to look at next. The reason the Wall was so successful (along with Newsfeed) were because you didn't have to move your eyes. You could consume information by effortlessly scrolling down the page.

People left Myspace for Facebook because it was cleaner and simpler to use.
Because of the customization Myspace allowed, profiles were messy and out of control. The comment above is worrisome because it sounds like the average internet user is starting to feel the same way about Timeline as we used to feel about Myspace profiles: too cluttered, too busy, and not useful enough to be worth it.


Overall the look and feel of Timeline is nice, and its definitely the most visually stunning product Facebook has built. But Timeline should be relegated to a retrospective view - something that strictly summarizes your life, not something that tries to play out every minute of life as it happens.

With Facebook, your email preferences are just suggestions

I keep Facebook email notifications disabled. I just don't need them filling up my inbox. But every once in a while, Facebook will add a new email setting, and default your preference to ON. Even Jason Santa Maria tweeted about this, although in that case, it was a Facebook bug that reset email notifications for users.

But today, I received a Facebook marketing email. Annoyed, I clicked through to Facebook to disable that type of notification. Sure enough, I had already set my preference to NOT email me. But as it turns out, Facebook went ahead and sent me the email anyway.

You see, with Facebook, your email delivery preferences are really just suggestions. If they don't agree with you...well, sucks to be you.

That leads me to another point. If the new Facebook Messages feature is so great, why don't they start spamming me there instead?