Cory Watilo
Sent from my iPhone 3G S
Cory Watilo
Sent from my iPhone 3G S
Cory Watilo
Sent from my iPhone 3G S
Cory Watilo
Sent from my iPhone 3G S
Cory Watilo
Sent from my iPhone 3G S
Cory Watilo
Sent from my iPhone 3G S
Cory Watilo
Sent from my iPhone 3G S
Cory Watilo
Sent from my iPhone 3G S
Among today's lessons, apparently spending less at Starbucks will help me buy a house sooner
Why am I getting an email from Facebook telling me that I want myself to sign up for Facebook?? I smell something spammy here...Cory Watilo
Sent from my iPhone 3G S
Begin forwarded message:
From: Facebook <>
Date: July 23, 2009 6:13:17 AM PDT
To: -----
Subject: Reminder: Cory invited you to join Facebook...
Reply-To: Facebook <>
Hi,The following person recently invited you to be their friend on Facebook:Other people you may know on Facebook:
Cory Watilo
968 friends
455 photos
Johnny Giovati
VanguardSummer Yates
VanguardIan Walsh
Orange County, CAJayna -June Bug- Jones
VanguardParis Seder
Nashville, TNJosh Robison
Facebook is a great place to keep in touch with friends, post photos, videos and create events. But first you need to join! Sign up today to create a profile and connect with the people you know.Thanks,
The Facebook Team
Facebook is free and anyone can join.
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Facebook's offices are located at 1601 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304.