Ticketmaster is a monopoly and needs regulation. I refuse to pay $48.50 for two tickets when the ticket price is $14 a piece. Somebody needs to revolutionize the event ticketing industry.

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I always chuckle when I see this Firefox bug that says addons are 4 GB in size. I can't even imagine what kind of awesomeness would go in an addon that size. Maybe it could write the code for you?

I kinda want to put every single one of these on my car, but then I'd just look like a right-wing nut job.

And then of course, there's mine.
If you have followed my blog for any amount of time, you're aware that I have sort of become a consumer brand advocate for Newport Lexus because of the way they spoil their customers, and I tend to share about my experiences on my blog, like here and here.
Today when I went in for a routine complimentary car wash, I had a low tire pressure warning on my dashboard. When my car returned from the wash, the warning was gone. Yes, the guys at Newport Lexus took the time to top off the air in my tires. What other dealership does that for you?? Not many that I know of, that's for sure.
I can't wait until the GS-F arrives in 2011, and it better not get delayed or cancelled due to some economy nonsense.
None of these pics are the real thing, but a guy can dream, right?