What are they smoking up in Cupertino?

So it's true. iOS 4.2 was released today, and as rumored, the iPad version changes the orientation lock switch into a mute button. I have to say, this was a pretty stupid move.

While nobody knows why Apple made this change, it's safe to assume they made it a mute button to be more consistent with the iPhone's ringer/vibrate toggle switch. But this makes absolutely no sense, and here's why: BECAUSE THE IPAD DOESN'T RING OR VIBRATE! You can easily mute an iPad by holding down the "down" side of the volume rocker for about a second.

The only other thing I can think of is that they have something planned for future iPads that would incorporate a vibrate feature, or maybe video calling that would make the device ring. Regardless, Apple should make this decision an option, and not decide this for us. They especially shouldn't be taking away a feature that users have already grown accustomed to.

And yes, I know the orientation lock is built-in to the software, but it's not nearly as convenient to get to anymore. And I'm not the only one who thinks this way. All you have to do is Google "ipad orientation mute button" to see how upset people are with this change (look at comments on every blog post written about this).

It's pretty disappointing that Apple would make a move like this. It's one thing to not release a feature for a year or two. It's something totally different to take one away. I'm sticking with the old OS until Apple either makes this an option or the jailbreakers come to our rescue.


I think that maybe they did it because people may have wanted a "Instant" kill or silent switch.. The other method of holding down volume key may have been to slow to respond to the girlfriend walking in you listening to your voice mail or watching your favorite adult website maybe?
I like this new!
By Toscana and Tuscany
I don't like the new way, they should make it changeable in the settings
Bart thats a good idea as everyone is different on their reasons and why they do or do not like the new way. Me I like the instant kill switch in a physical place so I know it by muscle memory and habit. others may seldom need it that way and like the previous feature of the switch instead. So to make everyone happy make it option in the system preferences like expose or the magic mouse.
agree on the stupid change with the side button, am liking the new home button feature though, it's nice getting to the brightness fast when at a gig

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