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Cory Watilo

Software designer in Orange County, CA

MobileMe flat out needs a LOT of work

I don't write actual blogs much, so when I do, you know I'm either really excited about something, or really upset. Unfortunately, this is the latter. When I had originally set up MobileMe, I told it to synchronize my contacts with Outlook. On the initial sync, it uploaded all of my contacts from my iPhone to Outlook. However, today I had to remove the MobileMe account from Outlook. I take a look at my phone and...ALL OF MY CONTACTS ARE GONE!! That's almost 700 contacts. It looks like both Outlook and MobileMe rely on each other, so once the tie between Outlook and MobileMe was broken, Outlook erased my contacts, and so did MobileMe. Were they looking at each other and when the partnership was removed, they thought the contacts were removed? It seems like there is a serious design flaw when everything is removed on the termination of a partnership. Needless to say, I was pissed. So now I'm back to using a backup of my contacts from when I first set up my iPhone with my Windows Contacts. I probably lost a couple months worth of updated contacts, but at least it's better than starting from scratch. And I have no idea how to get my Windows Contacts back into Outlook unless I use Plaxo, which I may end up using. MobileMe, I hate you.