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Cory Watilo

Software designer in Orange County, CA

LA Computer Center ( is shady - don't buy from them

If you hit this article from a Google search of LA Computer Center at, then I have done my job.

(I previously posted about Newport Lexus and landed on the first page of search results on Google when you search their name, so I'm hoping for the same thing here.)

About two weeks ago, I placed an order from I got an email confirmation saying my order had been placed, then later saying my credit card was authorized (whatever that means). After that, I didn't hear anything.

I waited patiently - over a week - before I sent LC Computer Center follow up email. Heard nothing. Then I sent another one. Nothing.

Today I tried to send them IMs, because they provide their screennames on their website. No response from all 3 reps. Their online chat was offline too. Calling them led to a voicemail system. What a joke.

Shortly after, I sent them an email asking for my order to be cancelled. It wasn't an hour later that I received the confirmation (below) that my order was cancelled. Gee, thanks for all the replies to my emails before...NOT.

Moral of the story: don't buy from (LA Computer Center). Save your time and go buy on ebay like I did. Yeah, I had a UPS tracking number within an hour after my ebay purchase.

- Cory Watilo

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: Feedback from LACC Website

Hi Cory,

This is to verify that your order has been cancelled.

Thank you,
Jeremie Sidle
LA Computer Center

On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 5:51 AM:
emailadd = service
orderno = 1256944742
rmano =
email =
msg = Please cancel order 1256944742 that was placed almost two weeks ago. I don't see that I've been charged, but if you continue this order, I will send it back (if I ever receive it) and will do a chargeback.
submit.x = 29
submit.y = 14