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Cory Watilo

Software designer in Orange County, CA

iPhone faux pas

If you use a touchscreen phone, chances are you've sent a text message saying something you didn't intend to say, thanks to the sometimes overly ambitious auto-correct.

Recently I've tweeted some iPhone auto-corrections that I've come across, and some friends have @ replied with ones they've encountered. Here are a few:

psd --> LSD
iOS --> UPS
podcasting --> Piccadilly
awwwwwwww --> seedeater
swimmer --> Weinberg
hahaha --> habanera

But none of these beat the list published by in November. Check it out.

The moral of the story is... always double-check your messages before sending, or your recipient might be a little confused.

Have you encountered any strange or memorable auto-corrects? Share them in the comments!


The phone corrected doable to Diane. I guess Diane = doable!
Come on even mom's have a bit of sick humor..
Srsly = Sealyham...I know the dictionary learns, but it's really annoying. It wasn't until I got iOS4 that it recognized it's own product named (iPad).
I've been a victim of this several times. :D
This is one of the best posts that I’ve ever seen, you may include some more ideas in the same theme. I’m still waiting for some interesting thoughts from your side.

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