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Cory Watilo

Software designer in Orange County, CA

Hello Dear, spam technique?

Cory Watilo
Sent from my iPhone 3G S

Begin forwarded message:

From: Favour Bezebi <>
Date: September 22, 2009 3:56:40 PM PDT
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
Subject: Hello Dear,

Hello Dear,
My name is Favour Bezebi Petros,i read about you in site and i decide to contact you hopeing that you will accept me as your friend,if you accept my request ,please reply to my email address ( so that i will send you my photos and moreabout me,i believe we can make good friends,let distance not be a barrier but lets love connect,because love is a bridge connect far distance to be close
Yours Lovely


I received to same msg by email. tks
I just got this cray email too!
...sorry, crazy!

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