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Cory Watilo

Software designer in Orange County, CA

Dear Hyundai driver, your car is NOT exotic enough for this kind of behavior

Unless your car cost over $100k, please choose only one spot.


So only the rich can be dicks? That's discrimination.
It is also a pet peeve of mine. Cheap or expensive. Maybe they don't know how to park?
When I see people that do that, I park about 2 inches from their driver-side door. It's a dick move on my part as well, but I guess I'm just a sword fightin' kinda guy.
Shawn - The rich don't know how to park because they don't usually park their own car (they valet).

Jose - No, they don't know how to park because most people that live in Irvine, CA aren't known to be the best on the road.

Shawn - I would definitely do the same if I drove a beat up clunker that I didn't care about getting keyed. And then I would call a friend and come have them park 2 inches away on the other side. =]

That would have been an awesomely sweet note to have left on their windshield. LOL

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