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Cory Watilo

Software designer in Orange County, CA

Best viewed in Internet Explorer 7?!?!

This screenshot is from the footer of the City of Tustin's non-government website.

My problems with this picture:
  1. How is ANY site best viewed in Internet Exporer 7? They might as well put "better viewed drunk."
  2. It stopped being cool to put a "Best viewed in..." line in like 2002.
  3. The IE7 button is linked to anĀ XP-ONLY version of IE7. Good luck getting it installed on Vista or Win 7.
Somebody, please tell this guy about Firefox. (I wouldn't even bother trying to sell Chrome to him for a few more years.)


The strangest part is, the site doesn't look bad in Chrome. It's not going to win any awards, but it renders fine. Why even bother with the "Best Viewed" topic? Doesn't make any sense to me.

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