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Cory Watilo

Software designer in Orange County, CA

Apple rejects competitors to iphone app store

Apple rejects competitors to iphone app store Apple is restricting iphone applications from the app store that compete with programs that Apple has already written for the phone. To me, this is a form of censorship. From the article:
I’ve said before that Apple should not reject apps unless the code is malicious. More important is to have criteria applied equally to all apps. Making up new reasons to reject an app only makes a closed platform appear even less open, especially when the app may appear to compete with Apple. Apple should be treating its app developers like royalty. These people are going to keep the iPhone as the platform of the future. Right now the developers need Apple more than the company needs them, but that will not last forever. Apple needs to make peace now, before it loses some of its biggest supporters.
Why is Apple restricting me from using applications on the phone that I paid for? Click the link above to read the story.