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Cory Watilo

Software designer in Orange County, CA

2009: My year in review

My blog is pretty public, but here's a post that's more for me than it is for you. I figured I should start cataloging a list of highlights from my 2009 for when I want to reminisce in 10 years, and I'd rather do it here, where I have more control of my data, than some place like Facebook that may be totally obsolete in half that time. Most of the links here are to posts I made throughout the year.
  • Really started using Twitter
  • Moved into a college dorm for the first time, in my last semester
  • Started working for YSN
  • Experienced Lucky Strike for the first time

  • Wrote a 40 page paper for college. Somehow, I passed.
  • Started experimenting with Posterous

  • Stopped by the World Trade Center site. Looked much the same as it has when I was there in 2005.
  • Somehow managed to graduate college with a BA in communication
  • Quit Wordpress and started using Posterous fulltime
  • Got a personalized license plate that exemplified my nerdiness
  • Camped out to be one of the first to own the Palm Pre. I returned it a week later and got an iPhone.
  • Enjoyed working from home
  • Officially gave up control of my self-hosted email and started using Gmail and a single identity for everything
  • Admitted to playing a single iPhone game over 80 hours in less than 6 months
  • Bought the Droid Eris the day it came out and returned it the next day (for a Blackberry Tour, which I still have, surprisingly)
  • Set up a magnificent 4-monitor display for my home office. I have since cut back to 3 horizontal screens.
  • Bought a TV for the office, just so Travis and I could watch Arrested Development while we worked